
Bayside College offers 3 practicum tracks students can participate in to gain practical experience and coaching in their specific career they would desire to pursue post graduation. The worship, ministry and marketplace practicum tracks will gather Wednesdays from 9-11am in addition to their weekly practicum placement. Students are able to elect between worship*, church ministry or marketplace ministry practicum track regardless of their declared degree. Under the guidance of their practicum track leader, students will be placed with a ministry or marketplace host to fulfill their hands-on training.

*worship practicum participation requires an audition interview
Examples: A Psychology student can choose to do ministry practicum because they see themselves working in pastoral care & counseling OR marketplace because they see themselves opening their own practice. A Business student can choose to do ministry practicum because they want to be a pastor but was encouraged to get a business degree so they can run a successful organization.
Program Benefits
• Education with a Biblical Worldview
• Spiritual Formation
• Practical Experience in their degree
• Mentorships with Leaders
• Surrounded by like-minded students
• Accelerated courses in Small Classes

Weekly Program
Wednesday Practicum Track 9-9:15am All College Gathering
9-11am Worship, Church Ministry, Marketplace Practicum
11:15-12:15pm Choir open to all students (including DE)

Strategic Partners
Our desire is to see students succeed in their academics and careers. With that in mind, we have Christian business leaders and church staff who invest in our student’s success. Students will either choose or be placed in a practicum program.


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